Tips and Tools by Angela

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Unraveling the Fitness Puzzle: How to Choose the Perfect Workout Regime for You

Staying healthy and fit is a journey that requires the right roadmap. The fitness world offers a myriad of workout types, including group classes, personal training, weightlifting, calisthenics, and cardio. The sheer variety can often feel overwhelming. As a NASM Master Trainer specializing in Performance Enhancement, Corrective Exercise, Personal Training, and Group Personal Training, I’m here to guide you through this labyrinth.

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The Season of Renewal: Embracing Health this Spring

Ah, Spring! A season many of us hold dear. Especially for us Michiganders, it signifies a transition from the chilly, overcast winter to a climate bursting with warmth and sunshine. To me, it’s more than just a change in season—it’s an opportunity to Spring into Health! Wondering how to leap into a healthier you this Spring? Here’s a three-step game plan…

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Why Health is Like a Race that Never Ends

I believe that we are allowed to have certain experiences in our lives because we are to use those experiences and what we have learned along the way to help others. The strategies, techniques, and methods that you develop to overcome obstacles and achieve goals are to be shared for the benefit of others.

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To learn about the 7 characteristics/components of being mentally STRONG, physically FIT, and nutritionally BALANCED and for more tips to become healthier, feel free to listen to my HEALTHIER with Angela presentation:–SzzMI13bwtafaZVI/view?usp=drive_link

Also, for empowering interviews with amazing individuals and journeys of health and healing, tune in to my weekly podcast and follow me on social media.


Our Goal

To empower busy professionals to become mentally and physically healthy in all areas of their lives.

Renee Kent

"I appreciate Angela and her positive energy; she is an inspiration and an amazing person. Looking forward to continuing my health journey with her."

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