Writing by Angela T. Moore

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Heal from a Place of Health, Not Hurt

Have you faced trauma in your life? Are you dealing with it now?

Trauma, as Psychology Today defines, is an emotional response to a distressing experience. Almost everyone encounters it at some point. But here’s the challenge: many of us try to heal from a place of hurt, not health.

Healing from hurt often keeps us stuck. It’s like trying to mend a wound with dirty hands. Healing from a place of health, however, empowers us to move forward.

My Journey from Hurt to Health

For years, I blamed others for my pain. I justified my bad decisions and called myself a victim. I used my past as an excuse to stay hurt. Everything changed when I took a hard look at myself. I didn’t like what I saw or heard, so I decided to change.

Healing from a healthy place means taking responsibility. It means no more excuses. It motivates you to make good decisions and integrate healthy actions daily, no matter the circumstances.

Running helped me heal after my mother’s death in the 10th grade. Later, I added more physical activity and better eating habits. These changes, along with a healthier mindset, transformed my life.

Are You Ready to Heal?

Healing from a healthy place is a journey that begins in the mind and ends with your actions.

Mind Shift

Every day, I have to shift my mind from hurt to health. Growing up in a dysfunctional environment, dysfunctional thinking was my default. So, how do you shift to a healthy mindset?

  • Prayer and Meditation: Spend time nurturing your spirit.
  • Kind Words: Speak kindly to yourself.
  • Positive Affirmations: Repeat affirmations that reflect how you want to feel.

These practices help change your “stinking thinking.”

Healthy Actions

Healthy actions are crucial. They help you live and work well.

  • Eat Well: Choose nutrient-rich foods.
  • Realistic Schedule: Plan a realistic work schedule.
  • Move: Incorporate physical activity into your day.
  • Manage Time: Schedule breaks and maintain boundaries.

These actions keep you focused and aligned with your goals. They also help you overcome obstacles and grow from challenges.

Ending the Day Right

How you end your day matters. Decide to end it healthily. Reflect on:

  • Health: Hope for tomorrow, excitement for future opportunities, grace for others.
  • Hurt: Regret, disappointment, frustration.

You have the power to choose. End your day on a good note and understand that tomorrow is a new start.

Every day is a chance to heal from a place of health, not hurt.

Heal forward.

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